Domino Photography | Jamestown, ND Photographer

Parent + Me Studio Sessions

Domino Photography | Jamestown, ND Photographer

Domino Photography | Jamestown, ND Photographer
Domino Photography | Jamestown, ND Photographer

Now, onto the reason why you should considering booking one of these. Your children are at this age for a fleeting moment in life. Scrolling through all the social medias I always see these posts about “take the photo”. Too many times we are busy taking pictures of what’s around us, but not including ourselves in these moments.

But why are documenting our moments important?

When I was 17 – I lost my dad suddenly. And it was awful. A complete shock.


The majority of my childhood I was extremely lucky – I had two attentive, loving parents. And one day everything changed. It was hard, and I have grown a lot since then and learned a lot of lessons and have grieved. But one thing I am so thankful for: both of my parents always had the camera with. I look back on memories that my parents documented from when they were dating, to when my brother was born, my birth, baptisms, communions, family reunions, birthdays, and all the little moments in between. The best part is: my kids are going to get to know ALL of their grandparents. They’re going to get to know my mom and bonus dad, both of Ross’s parents, and my dad. Because there he is, in all of these pictures we captured. 

Domino Photography | Jamestown, ND Photographer

So this is my call to action: whether you book with me, another one of the talented photographers in Jamestown, pull out your cellphone camera, or that DSLR that’s been sitting in your closet collecting dust – start capturing moments. Because at some point it is all your loved ones will have left.


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